Messing With the Time-Space Continuum -- Tour Day 4
An easy internet connection, at last.
I had to leave the wilds of downtown Toronto and travel to the civilized environs of Lindsay, Ontario to find it, too.
So, in keeping with the title of this post...I am actually writing this on Day 6, (or perhaps it is actually Day 7 -- it's been a long week), but I will hark back to Day 4 to re-coup the highlights.
Day Four began with a trip to the bus station for a jaunt to Aurora. I had a lovely bus driver, terribly erudite, who suggested a number of his favourite books to me as we travelled north and chatted en route. He also very kindly offered to help me with my books as I stepped off the bus, and then dumped every one of them onto the wet curb in the rain. But in the way of these things, of course -- it turned out to be good luck after all, as I sold all my books that day -- not only autographed but speckled with a little fresh Aurora precipitation.
Margaret Fleming, teacher-librarian extraordinare from Devins Drive Public School met me and my dampish books at the bus station -- and we had a marvellous time together. I can't seem to upload a picture, so here is a link to this very cool school:
Hi Karen - this is Lisa (Pam's sister - we met in June in Toronto). I live in Aurora and some of my friends' kids go to Devins - it is a nice school, isn't it? I was hoping Pam could come for a visit and we could get together - maybe next time? Good luck on the tour!
Hi Lisa!
Yeah, Devins is a great school -- I had a terrific time there. Next time for sure -- I'd love to see you again! I'm off to Montreal to visit Pam (just for lunch) on Sunday.
Great to hear from you -- hope you are not snowed under!
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