My office...
My office is a lovely room.
Just last year the very incredible talents of one Peter V. Smith were put to work, creating the masterpiece within which I sit every day.
Problem was -- I had a very busy year...
Let's just say I have a lot of empathy for the disgraced coroner from Ontario -- or for his filing skills, anyway.
Well, I'm home now, and am trying to turn my attention to all the stuff that has fallen -- abandoned and in ruins -- around me while I have been running around promoting Ms. Zephyr, dealing with SiWC issues and writing DEADLINE in between. 
I do have a few more events between now and the end of the year, (more in the next post on that) but in between -- it's time to open my mail. (2.5 ' stack under arrow...)
I spent most of the day cleaning out my office, organizing, re-shelving and so on. And no, this is not the 'before' picture.
So let's just get this straight. Coroners are supposed to have tidy offices. But writers...?
PS -- Watch this space for upcoming signing events before Christmas...
I LOVE your office, especially the giant map on the wall. I've always had a thing about maps.
I guess it's a good thing I don't have an office, as most spots I plunk myself for more than a day or two tends to get cluttered pretty quick. Today's clutter includes piles of coats from my daughter's friends, chocolate to be sent in Christmas packages, and a big bowl of jelly-beans (for me...fuel).
It's the clutter in my head that is much more bothersome, but I know this is remedied by getting the inside out--back I go to my WIP.
Hey Anita!
Clutter defines me, I am afraid. Even with a periodic purge, I find I am still surrounded with piles of books and papers.
Go jellybeans!
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