Interested in Getting Published?

Have I got a panel for you.
On Monday,February 18th, 2008 at 7 pm, the downtown branch of the Vancouver Public Library (co-sponsored by CWILL BC) is hosting a 'Getting Published' panel, loaded with local children's and YA authors. I'll be joining Alison Acheson, Julie Burtinshaw, Diane Haynes, Ellen Schwartz, Elizabeth Shefrin and David Ward and the discussion (and Q&A) will centre on getting books for children and teens published.
Present company excepted, this is a whole lotta brain-power in one room, so if you have questions about writing for kids in Canada, the Alice McKay Room is the place to be on the Monday after Valentine's Day.
If you are interested, you can contact the library at for more details. Hope to see you there!
In puppy news, Silas is getting under the skin of big brother Seamus. There is some serious discipline being laid down by my previously passive puppy onto the hardly repentant interloper. I've never heard Seamus growl before...
Silas is slowly learning his place at the bottom of the dog ladder, but spends most of his time bounding around, just happy to be alive. Today he chased a ping pong ball around the kitchen for more than an hour. At this moment, he is totally unconscious at my feet -- too tired to even curl up beside his golden idol, Seamus.
Oh, and it's snowing again. I think I've figured it the last storm, the house was picked up and blown 3000 km east, and I actually live in Ontario now.
Silus is such a cutie!
It's funny how dogs are just like kids. Little C acted the same way when Little M came along.
You are too right, Helene!
Hey -- hope you are well and thriving.
Silas is adorable! Congratulations!
Time to cart you off to the mental, eh.
Just spoke to my friend who did what you did, in reverse (flat coat first, then golden) and she said it was the smartest thing she ever did. Her husband was deadset against it, but he came around too.
Think I can talk Doug into it?
Hey neighbour! Winnipeg should be landing somewhere in your vicinity soon...
I so hope this wind dies down tomorrow. Sara and I were on our way out to the barn, but lost the highway as we left the city. We missed three chances before we finally spotted an opening, and were able to turn around and head back into the city. I can't wait to get out there and see sweet little Phoenix again!
Thanks, Shelley!
(I notice you didn't address the issue of my sanity, however...)
Dearest Novel Woman,
My sister sent me a marvellous article about how dogs can be such good company for each other.
See my post for today as a reflection of how that is working out for me...
Hey Anita,
Hope your wind dies down and you are reunited with sweet Phoenix soon!
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