Writing Contests...
Sashayed off to Surrey today for a SiWC board meeting. Lots of HUGE talent on tap for this year, and the roster is almost ready for public viewing...
But not quite.
So while I leave you in suspense just a bit longer, I thought I'd mention the SiWC writing contest.
This is a fantastic contest -- with one of the richest prize packages for a conference-associated contest. You can check out the details for sure at www.siwc.ca, but here's a brief precis:
All entries must be received at SiWC 2008 Writing Contest, Surrey International Writers' Conference, Unit 400, 9260 – 140 Street, Surrey, BC Canada V3V 5Z4, by 4 pm, Friday, September 5, 2008.
As always, blind judging is in effect. For complete contest regulations, please visit our website at www.siwc.ca or contact kc dyer, contest coordinator, at kcdyer@siwc.ca .
Contest open to all writers 18 years of age and over. Entry fees: All categories are $15 per submission. (Please send cheque or international money order only. Do not send cash by mail.) Enter often – there is no limit to the number of submissions per writer. You do not have to attend the conference to enter the contest.
SiWC Storyteller's Award
1st Place $1000
Honourable Mention $150
Sponsored by Diana Gabaldon and Jack Whyte. Short stories 3,500 to 5,000 words.
SiWC Non-fiction Award
1st Place $1000
Honourable Mention $150
Maximum length: 1500 words
SiWC Poetry Award
1st Place $1000
Honourable Mention $150
One poem per submission
Maximum length: 36 lines
SiWC Writing for Young People Award 1st Place $1000 Honourable Mention $150
Short stories only. Picture books & illustrations will not be accepted. Writers under 18 years of age are encouraged to submit to the Surrey Public Library's Young Writers' Contest. Maximum length: 1500 words

And this? This is a shot of the moon hanging over Edinburgh Castle at night, taken looking across the roof of the train station (built on the site of an old loch, long drained). I had a magical research trip to this remarkable city a couple of years ago, and am feeling my familiar spring yearning to return.
My new story is set in Edinburgh. It's a ghost story, as any decent tale about this place need be.
It'll have to do for now.
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