Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In Which the Author Apologizes to All and Sundry...

My dear dog-walking buddy and sister-in-words Meg Tilly and I went for a farewell jaunt through our favourite park today, with Molly, Silas and Seamus careening around our legs like park-mad pinballs. This was a farewell jaunt because I have a crazy-busy, here and there, in and out, been and gone summer in front of me ...(Stream-of-consciousness aside: Bean and Gone was the name I gave to the bus station coffee shop in Ms. Zephyr's Notebook. I think it was my favourite place-name in the book....) and it's unlikely we'll get to meet for our weekly walk for awhile.

Now, Meg is one of those heart-of-gold people you only meet a few times in a lifetime. She has been working her tail off all year promoting her third lovely book Porcupine, and is 90+ pages into a new novel. As anyone who is in the middle of slogging through a new manuscript can tell you -- it is hard work. And in my own defense, I was really just thinking of her welfare....

All the same, I feel compelled to hereby offer my heart-felt apology to all of Meg's blog fans for asking her if she was planning to take the summer off blogging. From the looks of this post (and the big grin on her face when she told me so), I think she might do just that.

Now, Meg LOVES blogging, but y'know...everyone is entitled to a little down time, right?


[kc ducks toll-house cookie, hurled by irate fan, made from recipe ONLY available on Meg's blog....]

Hey -- I said I was sorry!

~kc, who will miss her daily dose of Meg-blog, too...


Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't believe it for a second!

We may not see as much of her over the summer, but I don't think she'll be able to stay away . . .

kc dyer said...

Ha ha!

I think you might be right, Dale!


Anonymous said...

I might not be blogging, but that doesn't mean I can't read and comment on yours! Beware fellow bloggers, I am footloose and fancy free. Who knows where I will strike next. Heh...heh...heh. -Meg

kc dyer said...

Well, my dear -- you lasted a whole day without appearing on a blog. A new record? I think Dale might be right...


Rose said...

karen!!!! Dang it!


kc dyer said...

Sorry, Rosie!

~kc [karen, contrite]