Friday, January 16, 2009

Advice from a Gentleman

Ricardo Montalban died this week, and I just saw this clip, which I thought I might post here as an homage to him as an actor. The thing that struck me, though, is how much his advice applies to writers.(Thanks to Smart Bitches for the link).

He was 88.



Ursula Maxwell-Lewis said...

Hi Karen:

Good advice indeed. What an elegant, talented, and charming man he was.

The U-Tube dancing clips of him with Cyd Charise date me! As a kid she, too, was one of my favourite movie stars. Spanish dancing of any sort always delighted me.

Fun to watch - but sad too. Oh sigh, sigh!

~ Ursula

kc dyer said...

I know, Ursula -- but I loved watching him dance with Cyd Charisse. Those legs! (hers...) That charm! (his...)

