Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tab Closure

...a collection of things to make you go "Errrr....?"

[Not sure I've ever taken this many pix of cherry blossoms in my life -- I am so grateful for this spring, and thereby impose them upon you. For this, I do not apologize...]

Back to today's collection of eclectica:

First -- Darby begins a new stage -- interviewing fictional characters!

Next, courtesy of boingboing, please direct your attention to Sugar Stacks -- an interesting visual compendium of how much of the addictive white stuff you are pouring into your mouth in the form of the foods you eat, and asks the question: Would YOU eat a stack of 16 sugar cubes?

And finally, courtesy of @dbarefoot (Capulet Media's Darren Barefoot, on twitter) a visual and textual catalogue of one woman's life -- entirely for sale. She's shaking loose the earthly shackles before moving on -- and it's strangely interesting to view. As of this posting, she'd only managed to sell a teapot and a small, ratty green woollen coaster, apparently knitted (or knit?) by her mother. [One assumes that the mother bought it. It was clearly a mercy buy.] Nothing goes for less than a cent at goodbyewafflemaker.com.


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