Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top 8 of '08, with Guest Blogger CC Humphreys

I can always count on Chris Humphreys for a bit of swashbuckling, so here he is to add to our Top 8 of '08 event with a few of his own top moments.

And now...over to Chris:

Chris (CC) Humphreys Top 8 of '08:

Beer: Hand-pumped Harvey's Sussex Bitter (The Holly Bush, Hampstead, London, UK)

Book (Non-Fiction): The Buddha in your Mirror - Woody Hochswender.

Book: (Fiction): Three Day Road - Joseph Boyden.

Film: Tell No One.

Theatre: A Man For All Seasons (I know, I was in it!)
[Editor's note: And I went to see it -- fantastic!]

Day: Wreck Beach, sometime in August. (Yes, I was. Everything.)

Drink: Cuba Libre, that day on Wreck.

Food: Caramelized Onion Tart with pimente d'espelette, (Pastis, Vancouver)

Hmmm. As a true Englishman should, you'll notice he differentiates between his favourite 'beer' and 'drink'. And there are a few entries here that I wouldn't mind hearing a bit more about....

If he cares to expand on these subjects -- I'll make sure you hear about it here first! (He didn't get that 'McSteamy of SiWC 2008' nickname for nuthin', you know...)

Sadly, Chris informs me that his computer has recently bitten the dust, which has put a crimp in his own blogging, but if you'd care to read more...his blog is HERE and his website HERE.

Thanks for taking part, Chris!


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